Forced prostitution

Pimping methods

The Loverboy method, raw violence against victims and their families, voodoo magic in Africa, blackmail through secret recordings – the methods used by pimps to force women and girls into prostitution are diverse.

Overview of contents

The Loverboy method

For a few years now, it has become increasingly clear that in Germany, the Loverboy method has become one of the main methods used by pimps to exploit women in prostitution. In the 2020 Federal Situation Report by the police, nearly a quarter of the victims in the investigations reported having been brought into prostitution through the Loverboy method.

The Loverboy method involves feigning a romantic relationship to create an emotional dependency between the victim and the perpetrator, leading them through deception and manipulation into prostitution, where they are exploited. The insidious part of this method is the manipulation that makes the victim believe they are choosing prostitution of their own accord to help their boyfriend out of financial trouble. The victim believes in a future together and that their time in prostitution is only temporary. The victim does not see themselves as a victim.

The Loverboy relationship starts like a dream.

The boyfriend is attractive and pampers his chosen one with attention and generous gifts. There are no problems, and money seems to be no issue. Skillfully, he creates a world where no one else matters except the couple, causing the woman to become increasingly isolated from others. The boyfriend positions himself as the new center of the victim’s life and plays the savior for any potential problems. After this harmonious initial phase, financial problems suddenly arise in the Loverboy’s life, such as very high debts or a hospital bill for a family member abroad. He pretends to be very embarrassed about his debts but urgently needs the victim’s support. The victim is emotionally compelled to help, as the Loverboy had initially presented himself as a helper and savior, having given many expensive gifts. Additionally, the victim feels great love for the boyfriend and desperately wants to help. Step by step, the Loverboy maneuvers the victim into prostituting herself, initially just once and then repeatedly, as “that one time was so successful,” until she is working in a brothel for him daily. The victim believes she is there voluntarily and clings to the idea that it is only temporary until the boyfriend’s debts are paid off. However, new financial problems will continually arise in his life.

A Perfidious Strategy of Brainwashing and Dependency

The Loverboy method is a meticulously planned strategy of emotional abuse and dependency. The Loverboy’s alternating behavior creates a trauma bond. The perpetrators work with the victims’ desires and longings, giving them a taste of these desires and then taking them away again, with the prospect that things could return to how they were if the victim just behaves in a certain way. The perpetrators are sometimes loving and caring, and other times violent and aggressive. The victim tries to return to the state of the loving relationship through their behavior.

Many pimps in Germany use this method, sometimes deceiving and exploiting several victims in parallel.

The method is not limited to underage girls but is also generally used on older women.

Violence and threats against the family

A common method to force women into prostitution is the use of violence. The greatest pressure arises when the violence is not directed at the actual victim, but at third parties important to them, such as their family. Threatened violence against the family or against their own children drives women to sacrifice themselves to protect others. Pimps often perform acts of intimidation on individuals in front of others to show what would happen in case of resistance or escape.

The women learn to obey the pimps’ every word.

Any small resistance is immediately crushed through brutal beatings. Pimps want absolute obedience. If the victim behaves even slightly differently, they are immediately punished.

Some pimps do not need to be present to control how the exploited women behave. They work within large networks, whose members or helpers inform them if someone resists. If the pimp knows where the family is located, he can live abroad while exploiting the victim in Germany. Contact is maintained via phone.

Other pimps control every movement of their victims locally. If the victims have their own mobile phones, they may be monitored through surveillance apps to track with whom they are in contact.

Daily earnings quotas

Some pimps impose so-called daily earnings quotas: amounts the women are expected to earn each day. If a woman does not meet the quota, she is severely punished, and the shortfall increases the next day’s target.

My pimp expected me to earn 1500 francs every day. He didn't care how many clients I needed to achieve this. If I didn't make it, I was beaten with a chair and thrown against the wall across the room.

Voodoo/Juju rituals as a method of human traffickers

Many African women aspire to come to Europe to find work. Europe is seen as a place of hope, where a good life is possible. To facilitate this journey, there are intermediaries who organize the trip to Europe. Particularly with women from Nigeria, one distinctive feature often comes into play: the Voodoo ritual (or Juju ritual). Voodoo is a belief system in African countries. It shapes an entire way of thinking and believing, passed down from one generation to the next. The mentioned ritual is just one aspect of a larger tradition of life. Women must undergo a ritual with a Voodoo priest and the pimp. The pimp is seen as the facilitator of the journey to Europe. He organizes everything and receives a sum of money that the woman must repay through work in Europe. The women believe they will find normal work in Europe.

As part of the ritual, they must give parts of their body such as hair and nails, an animal is slaughtered, and blood is consumed. During the ritual, the woman is spiritually bound to the pimp. It is agreed that she must pay him a certain amount for organizing the journey. If she does not, someone from her family or close circle will be cursed by Voodoo: severe illness or death.

The women are then brought to Europe through the pimp’s networks. Very quickly, they end up in brothels and are made to understand that they must repay their debts through work there. During the journey and the time in the brothel, the debts continually grow, making it impossible for most women to ever repay them. The fear of the consequences of the Voodoo curse keeps them trapped in their situation.

Grooming via the Internet

In search of new victims, pimps are increasingly active on social media. Women are approached, for example, on Facebook and Instagram or on dating apps. After a quick acquaintance, the pimp has sexual intercourse with the prospective victim and discreetly films it. Some use these recordings to blackmail victims into the sex industry, while others continue using the Loverboy method.

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