Beneath the visible tip of the iceberg of prostitution and exploitation lies an extreme form of sex slavery involving children and women, the scale of which is huge and beyond comprehension.
++ Warning, this text contains triggers ++
In Germany, a number of groups and networks exist that traffic and abuse children and infants. Forced prostitution, child pornography and ritual abuse are all closely interlinked. Organised ritual abuse (ORA) reveals a global market of modern slavery. 21st century slaves that are commanded and controlled against their will, yet are unaware that they are being subjected to slavery/manipulation in their daily lives.
We want to provide insight into these parallel worlds to highlight and explain the topic of organised ritual abuse in more detail using our example, Ms P.
From the outside, Ms P. appeared to have had a happy childhood in a completely normal family who were highly respected in their local area. She was always a good student and stood out for her athletic success. During puberty, she developed an eating disorder and depression, which she put down to high pressure to succeed. However, she was able to hide her symptoms well. From the outside, she looked like a normal, happy teenager. Neither Ms P. nor anyone else would have thought that she was a victim of organised ritual abuse and had been exploited and sold as a slave since childhood.
She left home to start her degree. She had been looking forward to this moment for a long time. During her first semester, however, she began battling with numerous mental and psychosomatic issues to the point that her family doctor recommended therapy.
The therapist was swamped with the many prevalent symptoms and the ever-worsening condition of Ms P, and so recommended an inpatient stay. There, she was able to observe Ms P’s mental blackouts, flashbacks and potential changes in personality for the first time. The therapist at the clinic initially diagnosed her with post-traumatic stress disorder and, after subsequent stays, also diagnosed her with dissociative identity disorder. For the first time, Ms P remembered being sexually abused by her uncle and later also abusive behaviour by her father and grandfather. During her flashbacks, she relived the worst moments of pain to her entire body: being shackled, locked in cages, blood, fire, symbols...These images and feelings were new to Ms P. She never thought that she had experienced such things. However, she felt that there must be more to her seemingly “normal” family than she thought.
Over a period of several years, memories of Ms P’s childhood kept flooding back to her. She realised that her parents belonged to two groups that meet up in secret at night. The group believes in its own superiority and celebrates satanic rituals. As a child, Ms P was regularly subjected to horrific abuse as part of these rituals. She was shackled, raped, forced to swallow excrement and made to abuse others. Along with other children, she was brainwashed to preserve these rituals. She had to learn to suppress her nausea and gag reflex, unconditionally obey and inflict pain on others.
Each time her therapist or other people around her were nice to Ms P or their relationship intensified, she felt a strong impulse to end this relationship. She would sometimes miss her therapy session as a result. When she arrived at our shelter, she often felt a strong internal pressure to contact her family and other perpetrators. Something within her felt that she had to let them know where she was, otherwise something bad would happen. She knew that she needed to participate in the rituals as
otherwise someone else would be severely punished for her non-attendance. She found it extremely difficult not to leave the shelter on ritual days. She felt an internal pressure to punish herself for missing the ritual.
It took several years before Ms P had recovered enough memories of her family structure to realise that the abuse wasn’t just a relict of her past, but was continuing to haunt her as an adult. She was still a member of the cult, taking part in rituals. She was still experiencing abuse. This realisation led her to go into hiding in a new location at our shelter. She broke off all contact with the people from her past. This was her external withdrawal. The internal withdrawal had already begun during the clinic stays and took many years. She was able to learn that there was a world outside of the group network and that she was entitled to dignity, freedom, and integrity over her body and mind.
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