Get involved

What you can do

Together, we can fight against human trafficking and forced prostitution. Together, we can change our country. Take a stand against oppression and inequality. Here are a few suggestions.


Help victims of human trafficking by donating to MISSION FREEDOM e.V. Your donation enables us to contact and support those working in forced prostitution or those who have escaped their situation by means of our shelters and educational work. We are grateful for any donations!

Work with us

Join MISSION FREEDOM and support our work at one of our sites. This may involve Federal Volunteer Services, internships or voluntary work. We are based in Hamburg and Frankfurt. Find out more about the different options here.

Other options

Escaping the red-light district or other abusive networks requires a large support system and plenty of good contacts. Our organisation cannot provide all this on its own. We welcome people who want to help escapees live a real life of freedom.


Funded. Supported. Connected.

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