We need a shift in societal thinking to solve the problem of exploitation. Demand drives supply. To reduce demand, we must rethink our consumption attitudes towards prostitution and pornography.
Helping those affected is important, but a shift in societal thinking is necessary to solve the problem of exploitation. Demand drives supply. It is only because there is such a high demand for purchased sexual satisfaction that the supply of women and children in prostitution exists. This demand attracts pimps who exploit others to make easy money. Without forced prostitution, the demand could not be met. This requires us to rethink how we handle our own consumption attitudes towards sexuality. This includes our approach to pornography as well as prostitution, as both are closely linked. Should sexual satisfaction from others be purchasable as a commodity?
We think: no. People are not commodities.
Sexuality should not be a commodity.
Will you join us?
How can you become active as a #FreedomFighter?
Strengthening prevention work in schools:
Love without coercion – www.liebe-ohne-zwang.de/en/
Influencing politics:
Write to your local Member of Parliament and ask them to become active on the issue. Refer to circumstances in your region and current political developments if applicable.
Being in conversation with your own children:
About Cybergrooming: What is Cybergrooming (only in German)
Innocence in Danger offers a wealth of good materials: Homepage
klicksafe: The EU initiative for more online safety
Helpful films to start a conversation:
Exodus Cry: Watch Our Films – Exodus Cry
Understanding the impacts of pornography:
Federal Agency for Child and Youth Media Protection: Confrontation with pornography: Potential dangers from the perspective of the BzKJ (Bundeszentrale für Kinder- und Jugendmedienschutz)
Please contact kontakt@mission-freedom.de
+49 (0) 40 – 3619 7115
Please submit enquiries to Gaby Wentland via email only: