In the 21st century, there are more slaves than ever before. We fight against the sexual exploitation of people in prostitution and support those affected on their path to a new freedom.
MISSION FREEDOM e.V. was founded on 01.01.2011 to stop human trafficking and forced prostitution. Our goal is to educate and offer real future prospects for the women concerned.
Our work comprises four areas:
We warmly thank you for any donations. Together we can help exploited women discover a life of freedom.
Together, we can fight against forced prostitution in this country. Together, we can make a huge difference to people’s lives. There are many ways you can get involved.
We are regularly seeking Federal Volunteers/Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) and interns to support our work. Voluntary work is also possible.
Our work is solely supported by your donation. Your donation is used to help our organisation and others in our network.
We provide materials and presentations so that you can raise awareness of this topic in your own environment. Contact us!
+49 (0) 40 – 3619 7115
Please submit enquiries to Gaby Wentland via email only: