Groups of offenders in organised ritual structures take advantage of their knowledge of dissociative identity disorder and exploit it. We provide a little insight into this topic here.
++ Warning, this text contains triggers ++
Two aspects are very important for groups that ritually abuse children and sell them as part of organised child prostitution and pornography: keeping the crime secret and controlling the children. For these purposes, the children not only experience violence as part of the rituals or prostitution to paedophiles, but also mental, physical and emotional violence that they are required to learn for these purposes. Targeted traumatisation of children means that the group has complete control over them.
The training differs depending on the grouping and task of the child or the personality trait. However, there are a few overarching aspects that affect almost all children who are systematically exploited in the context of organized abuse.
Children are conditioned to sexual touch from a very young age. The body is trained for the movements and the orifices are regularly stretched.
In some groups, individual personality traits are trained for special customer desires and fetishes of forced prostitution. Depending on which area of sexual abuse the perpetrator-client is interested in, the corresponding personality trait that has been trained for it appears.
Not every child who is abused in this context is trained for it. The training takes place especially with those children who, in addition to regular abuse, still have an everyday life, including school, and are supposed to be as inconspicuous as possible. Due to the dissociative barriers of dissociative identity, this usually works until adulthood.
Most groups exist for many generations and do not open up to the outside world. This means that their own offspring are needed for the group’s goals and purposes. Victims are always turned into perpetrators. Depending on the group and the planned position and task of the child, the child receives the training to be able to continue the work of the group in adulthood.
The secrecy of the crimes works on the one hand due to the dissociative splitting off of the experience and on the other hand due to training in secrecy. Every child experiences at least once what people who want to leave the group or talk about it as so-called “traitors” have to go through. Traitors are brutally tortured in front of the others. They also learn that someone else will be punished if they themselves do not participate as demanded by the group.
In special training sessions, they learn how to behave in certain situations in order to protect the group and facilitate its activities. More on this below under “conditioned behavior”.
Satanist ritual abuse does not take place at the whim of the perpetrator. Far more, it involves a highly psychological system designed to make the victims compliant and obedient; to drill them, to “use” them in masses and finally to let them become part of a satanic system so that they don’t do the following: speak out or escape. It is essential that they understand this. It’s does not involve occasional beatings or occasional abuse. It involves targeted, systematic training using the most severe forms of torture.
- Quote from a survivor
The groups sense/know? that in adulthood some personalities will want to seek help and perhaps attend therapy. They therefore brainwash other identities beforehand to block out this help. Using extreme violence and methods of torture, they create new identities and give them tasks. As part of an orchestrated setting, this new trait learns about the bad things that could happen if they don’t do everything they can, e.g. to block the therapy. The trait learns ways of blocking therapy and thinks they are doing the body a favour by sabotaging the therapy by fending off potentially bad consequences. In reality, the therapy then means that the sessions are cancelled or only discusses topics with the therapist that lead in other directions. This is called a therapy disruption programme.
-> Brainwashing is a learned pattern of behaviour that is automatically carried out by a trained individual when a certain situation arises. The cults brainwash and condition a number of identities into children to incorporate many ideologies into them.
There are certain conditioned patterns of behavior that can be observed in almost all those affected. Some behavioural patterns can only be observed when those affected are in the process of leaving and (want to) behave contrary to the learned and internalized guidelines of the group.
In reality, there are a wide range of programs. Astonishingly, victims who have escaped from very different geographical locations often have similar special programs to ensure that the cults network among themselves and spread knowledge about the conditioning of children.
Specific forms of schizophrenia and manipulation are typical of organised and ritual abuse. The developing personality is broken down into various dissociative internal traits as a result of extreme violence during childhood and adolescence. The identities created are specifically honed and used by perpetrators for their own benefit.
Nick, 2018
The term mind control is an umbrella term for all forms of child manipulation, conditioning and brainwashing. Perpetrators aim to have complete control over the thoughts, feelings and actions of their victims. Sometimes, split identities are used to underpin their role and task within the group (e.g. identity as a sex slave, vampire, high priest, animal, soldier or robot). These identities are presented a world view that serves the group’s needs. Since these identities arise as a result of violence by the perpetrator, they know nothing but the perpetrators and their environment. By separating the dissociative identities, they never experience the “normal, everyday world” and have no ability to form their own opinion or world view.
Each trait that is consciously broken down by the perpetrators can be accessed in the physical consciousness through a particular signal (e.g. a sound, light signal, gesture, word). The perpetrators can determine which trait is present during which situations.
Those affected should believe that the offender group has complete control over them and can control them from the outside. These are deeply internalized beliefs and behaviours that can be reflected on and changed as part of leaving and therapy.
Further reading:
Gaby Breitenbach “Innenansichten dissoziierter Welten extremer Gewalt: Ware Mensch – Die planvolle Spaltung der Persönlichkeit”
Allison Miller “Jenseits des Vorstellbaren: Therapie bei Ritueller Gewalt und Mind Control”
Orit Badouk Epstein “Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs“
James R. Noblitt “Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social, and Political Considerations”
Becker, T./ Karriker, W./ Overkamp, B./ Rutz, C. (2007) “Extreme Abuse Survey”
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