What we do


Our mission: We want to create a place where people affected by sexual exploitation can start a new life. A place that offers protection and space to process what has happened to them and encourages them to take steps towards a new life free from exploitation.

HOME – protected housing for exit

Our shelters are the heart and soul of our work, with two sites in Germany at present for victims of sexual exploitation. The HOMES are places designed to give survivors a fresh start in their lives. The HOMEs offer accommodation, counseling and support on issues related to both the external and internal process of leaving prostitution. Together, we develop a new perspective on life after the sex-industry.

HOME - what we offer

  • External exit: regular counseling and support on issues relevant to everyday life and new perspective on life
  • Inner exit: support in processing the situation and strengthening of skills
  • Inner Freedom: Pastoral Care Offer on a Christian Basis
  • Sheltered Housing: The HOMEs have an anonymous address
  • Assisted Living: Single room in a shared apartment with accompanying offers

Who is the offer for?

Our HOMEs are primarily for women of legal age who

  • want to leave prostitution / sexual exploitation
  • want to begin a new life
  • seek protection at an anonymous address

This applies to all women regardless of their origin, religion, willingness to testify to the police and their entitlement to benefits under the Social Code.

Our shelters offer a protected framework in which to develop new perspectives on life. They have a bridging function and are not a long-term assisted living offer.

Admission to the MISSION FREEDOM HOME only takes place after consultation and at the request of the persons concerned themselves. A financial clarification in advance is not mandatory, since our facilities are financed by donations.

Framework of our offer

  • You can live with us at an anonymous address for up to one year. (The period can be extended if necessary).
  • If you have income or social benefits, you pay a monthly rent and contribute to the household expenses. If you have no income, your stay will be covered by donations.
  • For the time of your stay, you say no to drugs, alcohol or other addictive substances. The stay begins with a smartphone and internet free time.

New perspective on life: external exit

This is about building a life independent of prostitution and being empowered to develop a vision for the next steps.

  • Financial security: Being able to provide for oneself independently of prostitution.
  • Developing coping skills: to be enabled to deal with issues or to find and accept offers of help.
  • Developing protection skills: raising awareness of safety issues and enabling them to create and adapt their own safety concept.
  • Building one’s own network: leaving the sex industry often means breaking off almost all relationships. Our offer is designed to help build new networks.
  • Development of a follow-up perspective: timely thematization, support in planning and achieving the next step after the stay in the HOME.

New hope and strength: internal exit


To leave prostitution, doesn’t only include external life issues, but also requires a look inside the person. Our internal exit offer is designed to help you find a new emotional and social stability in your everyday life and develop an inner freedom.

The goal is an independent and self-determined life in which you feel comfortable. This includes:

  • Strengthening social skills: Learning healthy ways to get along with others
  • Strengthening emotional skills: Dealing with feelings and stress/tension
  • Support of emotional processing
  • Development of a healthy self-image & self-esteem
  • Recognizing self-efficacy and self-responsibility: developing influence over one’s own life
  • Strengthening resources: discovering and trying out one’s own abilities. Designing one’s own life with beautiful things
  • The development of stabilization techniques
  • Pastoral care according to a Christian understanding

Accommodation and everyday life

You live in a single room in our shared apartment and take care of yourself. If necessary, we will support you with your everyday life.

As a member of the flat-sharing community, you will assist in everyday household chores and take on regular tasks.

We regularly go on trips together with the house community or creatively organize your free time.

Are you interested in staying at our HOME?

Please enquire about a placement at one of the MISSION FREEDOM offices.
Your requirements will be discussed as part of an initial phone consultation and whether a placement is available:


Telephone Hamburg office:
+49 (0) 40 – 36 19 71 15

Telephone Frankfurt office:
+49 (0) 174 – 901 1616

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